domenica 12 aprile 2015

La 1D, dai giardini inglesi alla Valpolcevera


Il viaggio della 1D è partito a settembre con un lavoro dedicato agli alberi. Abbiamo imparato alcuni nomi inglesi e realizzato un bel cartellone, prendendo come spunto la canzone "Trees"

Trees, trees, trees,
Have roots, and trunks, and leaves,
Trees, trees, trees,
Have buds, and fruits, and seeds,
Trees, trees, trees,
A home for birds and bees,
We all need our trees, trees, trees...

Home for nests of flying birds,
Home for buzzing, honey-bees,
Home for bats so brown and black,
Some squirrels share those big tall trees...
Shades a slithering sharp-toothed snake,
Big bugs that blow there in the breeze,
Many things are making homes,
In green, green leaves of these tall trees!

Trees, trees, trees,
Have roots, and trunks, and leaves,
Trees, trees, trees,
Have buds, and fruits, and seeds,
Trees, trees, trees,
A home for birds and bees,
We all need our trees, trees, trees...

They live a very, long, long time,
A very, very long, long time,
Their age can get much greater than,
Grandpa & Grandma's age combined!
They grant us all the greatest things,
Each year they grow a new growth ring...
Those magic, ancient, wise old trees
Have seen all human history...

Trees, trees, trees,
Have roots, and trunks, and leaves,
Trees, trees, trees,
Have buds, and fruits, and seeds,
Trees, trees, trees,
A home for birds and bees,
We all need our trees, trees, trees...

Sweet maple syrup,
And all kinds of fruits,
And wood to make chairs,
Real rubber for boots!
They clean up the air,
They keep it real fresh,
Supply oxygen,
When we take a deep breath...

Trees, trees, trees,
Have roots, and trunks, and leaves,
Trees, trees, trees,
Have buds, and fruits, and seeds,
Trees, trees, trees,
A home for birds and bees,
We all need our trees, trees, trees...

Well they don't take much,
For what that they give,
Only sunlight, and water to live...
Maybe some soil,
To help them stand up,
And maybe some love,
So they don't' get cut|...
Trees protect us,
Let's protect them too,
Preserve our trees?
It's what we should do!

Trees, trees, trees,
Have roots, and trunks, and leaves,
Trees, trees, trees,
Have buds, and fruits, and seeds,
Trees, trees, trees,
A home for birds and bees,
We all need our trees, trees, trees...

Abbiamo poi proseguito parlando dell'amore che gli inglesi hanno per il giardinaggio e abbiamo realizzato un bel cartellone con foto  di tipici giardini inglesi 

Per approfondire il discorso, abbiamo letto un testo sui parchi più popolari di Londra e ciascuno di noi ha fatto un disegno del suo parco ideale. Riutilizzando i vocaboli imparati lo abbiamo presentato in inglese ai nostri compagni.

Il lavoro proseguirà con una visita al parco storico di Villa Serra. Aspettiamo la fioritura delle ortensie e faremo una visita guidata con una sorpresa finale......

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